I think I found a way fix Red Portal pass through Act

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I think I found a way fix Red Portal pass through Act

Post by NpZ1k » Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:36 pm

First,We need to patch Red Portal code when we click it

Code: Select all

	{D2DLL_D2GAME, 0x6D42E, (DWORD)CrossActPortal_Stub, TRUE, 0x00 },

FUNCPTR(D2GAME, CrossAct, void, __fastcall, (Game* pGame, UnitAny* pPlayer, int nDestMap), 0x9E170)
const DWORD PortalAfter = (DLLBASE_D2GAME + 0xE19C0);

void __stdcall CrossActPortal(UnitAny* pUnit, DRLGRoom* pRoom)
	if(!pUnit || !pRoom)
	int nDestLevel = pRoom->pRoomEx->pLevel->dwLevelNo;
	Game* pGame = pUnit->pGame;
	DRLGRoom* pUnitRoom = D2COMMON_GetRoomFromUnit(pUnit);
	int nLevel = D2COMMON_GetLevelNoFromRoom(pUnitRoom);

	if(D2COMMON_GetActFromLevel(nLevel) != D2COMMON_GetActFromLevel(nDestLevel))
		D2GAME_CrossAct_Stub(pGame, pUnit, nDestLevel);

__declspec (naked) void __stdcall CrossActPortal_Stub()
		push [esp + 0x14]
		push [esp + 0x2C]
		call CrossActPortal
		jmp PortalAfter

__declspec (naked) void __stdcall D2GAME_CrossAct_Stub(Game* pGame, UnitAny* pPlayer, int DestLevel)
		push 0					
		push [esp + 0x8]			
		mov eax, [esp + 0x10]	
		mov edi, [esp + 0x14]		
		call D2GAME_CrossAct
		retn 0xC
Finally,I load all Act when game is loading

Code: Select all

	{D2DLL_D2GAME, 0x9D745, (DWORD)PATCH_CALL, FALSE, 0x01 },
	{D2DLL_D2GAME, 0x9D745, (DWORD)LoadAllpAct_Asm, TRUE, 0x00 },
Act* __stdcall LoadAllAct(BYTE ActNumber, Game* pGame)
	Act* pAct[5] = {};
	for(int i = 0; !(pGame->mapAct[i]); i++)
		int nTown = D2COMMON_GetTownLevel(i);
		pGame->mapAct[i] = D2COMMON_LoadAct(i, pGame->InitSeed, 0, pGame, pGame->difficultyLevel, pGame->memoryPool, nTown, NULL, NULL);
		pAct[i] = pGame->mapAct[i];
	return pAct[ActNumber];

__declspec (naked) void __stdcall LoadAllpAct_Asm()
		push [esp + 0x10]
		push [esp + 0x08]
		call LoadAllAct
		retn 0x24

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