[1.13c] Load PlugY.dll from D2Launch.dll

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[1.13c] Load PlugY.dll from D2Launch.dll

Post by MagicMatze » Sat Mar 09, 2019 5:17 pm


I want to load plugy 11.02 by editing the d2launch.dll files. I found these code edit:

Code: Select all

"Load an external dll in the game"
"This technique allows you to load up to four new dll in the game"

D2Launch.dll - E349

6FA4E349    85C0            TEST EAX,EAX
6FA4E34B    0F85 9B000000   JNZ D2Launch.6FA4E3EC
6FA4E351    68 04EBA56F     PUSH D2Launch.6FA5EB04                   		; ASCII "Bnclient.dll"
6FA4E356    FF15 D0C2A56F   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA>]	; kernel32.LoadLibraryA
6FA4E35C    85C0            TEST EAX,EAX
6FA4E35E    A3 C056A66F     MOV DWORD PTR DS:[6FA656C0],EAX
6FA4E363    75 33           JNZ SHORT D2Launch.6FA4E398
6FA4E365    FF15 E4C2A56F   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.GetLastError>]	; ntdll.RtlGetLastWin32Error
6FA4E36B    50              PUSH EAX
6FA4E36C    8D4424 04       LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
6FA4E370    68 E0EAA56F     PUSH D2Launch.6FA5EAE0                   		; ASCII "Cannot load Bnclient.dll: Error %d"
6FA4E375    50              PUSH EAX
6FA4E376    E8 A02CFFFF     CALL D2Launch.6FA4101B
6FA4E37B    83C4 0C         ADD ESP,0C
6FA4E37E    6A 10           PUSH 10
6FA4E380    68 D8EAA56F     PUSH D2Launch.6FA5EAD8                   		; ASCII "D2Multi"
6FA4E385    8D4C24 08       LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8]
6FA4E389    51              PUSH ECX
6FA4E38A    6A 00           PUSH 0
6FA4E38C    FF15 48C4A56F   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&USER32.MessageBoxA>]		; USER32.MessageBoxA
6FA4E392    33C0            XOR EAX,EAX
6FA4E394    83C4 64         ADD ESP,64
6FA4E397    C3              RETN


6FA4E349    85C0            TEST EAX,EAX
6FA4E34B    0F85 9B000000   JNZ D2Launch.6FA4E3EC
6FA4E351    68 04EBA56F     PUSH D2Launch.6FA5EB04                   		; ASCII "Bnclient.dll"
6FA4E356    FF15 D0C2A56F   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA>]	; kernel32.LoadLibraryA
6FA4E35C    85C0            TEST EAX,EAX
6FA4E35E    A3 C056A66F     MOV DWORD PTR DS:[6FA656C0],EAX
6FA4E363    50              PUSH EAX
6FA4E364    68 14FBA56F     PUSH D2Launch.6FA5FB14                   		; ASCII "LibraryName.dll"
6FA4E369    FF15 D0C2A56F   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA>]	; kernel32.LoadLibraryA
6FA4E36F    58              POP EAX
6FA4E370    90              NOP
"...		...				..."
6FA4E397    90              NOP
On Address (Offset 1FB14 on D2Launch.dll) I write the ASCII name of the dll file (plugy.dll). When starting game.exe, plugy doesn't show up!
I have tested it also with basemod plugin (basemod.dll) and this works (can see ingame features activated by basemod plugin). Then I thought to add plugy.dll to the dlls to load in basemod.ini but this doesn't work, too.

Maybe plugy can't be loaded from d2launch.dll??

Andy help or idea I can load plugy with a code edit?

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Re: [1.13c] Load PlugY.dll from D2Launch.dll

Post by Znich » Mon Mar 11, 2019 9:54 am

You need to call the initialization function Plugy.dll. Check out the source code from the Plugy installer.

Code: Select all

	0xFF,0x74,0x24,0x04,			//PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
	0xFF,0x15,0x40,0xC0,0xA7,0x6F,  //CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA>]      ; kernel32.LoadLibraryA
	0x50,							//PUSH EAX
	0x68,0x80,0xBE,0xA7,0x6F,		//PUSH d2gfx.6FA7BE80                               ; ASCII "PlugY.dll"
	0xFF,0x15,0x40,0xC0,0xA7,0x6F,  //CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA>]      ; kernel32.LoadLibraryA
	0xA3,0xFC,0xEF,0xA8,0x6F,		//MOV DWORD PTR DS:[6FA8EFFC],EAX
	0x85,0xC0,						//TEST EAX,EAX
	0x74,0x2B,						//JE SHORT d2gfx.6FA7BE33
	0x50,							//PUSH EAX
	0x68,0x90,0xBE,0xA7,0x6F,		//PUSH d2gfx.6FA7BE10                            ;Init String
	0x50,							//PUSH EAX
	0xFF,0x15,0x3C,0xC0,0xA7,0x6F,	//CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.GetProcAddress>]    ; kernel32.GetProcAddress
	0x85,0xC0,						//TEST EAX,EAX
	0x74,0x04,						//JE SHORT d2gfx.6FA7BDC1
	0x6A,0x00,						//PUSH 0
	0xEB,0x13,						//JMP SHORT d2gfx.6FA7BDC1
	0x68,0x10,0x27,0x00,0x00,		//PUSH 2710	                                     ;Init Ordinal(10000)
	0xFF,0x74,0x24,0x04,			//PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
	0xFF,0x15,0x3C,0xC0,0xA7,0x6F,	//CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.GetProcAddress>]    ; kernel32.GetProcAddress
	0x85,0xC0,						//TEST EAX,EAX
	0x74,0x02,						//JE SHORT d2gfx.6FA7BDC1
	0xFF,0xD0,						//CALL EAX
	0x58,							//POP EAX
	0x58,							//POP EAX
	0xC2,0x04,0x00,					//RETN 4
	0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 			//HANDLE var;

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Re: [1.13c] Load PlugY.dll from D2Launch.dll

Post by devurandom » Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:18 pm

Thanks for posting the question and all the info. helped me find some other issues that will get fixed in next release.


BaseMod has been updated to Load PlugY.dll, took some special workarounds, but it works now.
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