Is there a way to control/modify the stepsounds of a given monster/character? Both in legacy and HD?
Didn't seem to find any excel sheet that controls this, I imagine this is on the deeper end..
Step Sounds
Moderator: Nizari
Re: Step Sounds
For monsters, it is under monsounds.txt (linked to monstats.txt by the monsound/umonsound columns) footstep/footsteplayer/fscnt/fsoff/fsprb columns. For players, probably hardcoded to specific rows in sounds.txt, if I were to take a guess it would be the rows starting from light_walk_dirt_1 (ID=2720) ending on the row heavy_run_wood_4 (ID=2863)
Re: Step Sounds
what's the difference between monsound and umonsound?
what's the difference between monsound and umonsound?
Re: Step Sounds
See: https://d2mods.info/forum/kb/viewarticle?a=360.
MonSound: specifies the ID pointer to this monsters “Sound Bank” in MonSound.txt when this monster is normal.
UMonSound: specifies the ID pointer to this monsters “Sound Bank” in MonSounds.txt when this monster is unique or champion. For SuperUnique monsters this is controlled by SuperUniques.txt.