Eye-Candy, Screens & Movies (20th June) - 49 new things!

Information and updates for all other projects by Black Omen Productions (besides Shadow Empires): Namely Codename: MetalStorm, Anti-Balance, Ultimate Fixer and all versions of XyRAX

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Re: New Eye-Candy/Screens/Movies (new screens: 20th June, 20

Post by Nefarius » Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:01 am

Do those new arrow types mean that the skills they are based off will be replaced? Or what will happen to those skills? Won't they be redundant?

(I'm all for all brand new skills in mods anyway...)
Yep, those things are only available as equipment, there will be magical and rare arrows / bolts / slingshot bullets


This also gives me a chance to write a small summary of the balance in MetalStorm, and also a bit of a rant on D2 ( because we all knew this was comming! ) ( planned balance better to say, we are not in the process of doing this now, balance comes after a product is in post production, but before the real release, to avoid having to readjust everything 10000 times as new things are implemented, it is important to remember however that the code for everything here is either already in place but not adjusted or rather simple to implement using the current code base, except in cases were it has been noted that it still has to be done ).

Vanilla v1.10+ is so broken and bugged to an extent its not possible to break the balance, there simply is none left to break. When you encourage players to waste all points to boost a single attack skill via synergies so that they can cope against the grind-curve and reach lvl 99 for no reason whatsoever, other then doing it (many of the people I know that reached this level used bots to do so anyway, due to the utterly unfair lvl 95 curve, ie the requirement to lack a life), wouldn't it be for this curve, you could achieve lvl 95-99 by around the time you defeat hell baal, thus during regular game play, that is something I'd consider a fair deal, not artificially prolonging something by beating the dead horse repeatedly.

Having physical hitters (ie characters that rely on weapons) near useless by nerfing their main skills repetedly to the point of absurdidty, not addressing the real flaws, giving everything and its uncle rediculous physical resistance, having two penalities applied on life and mana steal ( both a individual penalty, and a global penalty... one being more then enough [ ofc, they shouldn't have added dual leech to everything except boots to start with... ] ) while at the same time pumping skills like meteor repeatedly (at slvl 20 it did 268-278 damage in v1.06, by v1.10 it has reached 955-1019 and thats without considering stuff like the mastery, the synergies, equipment with -target resist etc), allowing them to sweep away everything with one 15-20K blast (the virtually crippled and disabled artificial [strike]idiocy[/strike] intelligence doesn't help either). Then trying to make up for this by creating rediculously overpowered equipment that allows spell casters, not the initially intended poor physical hitters, to equip their mercs with 3 auras (meaning it ends with 4 auras because there are no mercs besides those act II guys), allows the mercs to deal a whooping 10K damage (and thats without the bugs comming into play!) thus eliminating the only real need for them to have more then one attack skill (immunes) entirely, with the exception ofc that act bosses get a bonus of +400% on all their damage output against mercs, while they recieve a penalty [ little rediculous petty fixups, vain attempts to fix whats already broken beyond repair... ], if this isn't broken, then I really don't know what is.

* enough with this rant *

MetalStorm isn't based upon this graetbazecrode, everything even remotely related to ai, damage and combat and many many other aspects is entirely new ( what remainds of D2 at present is merely a shell that handles the graphics, networking, threading, memory management etc, stuff I don't feel there is a reason to bother with atm ), written by a single individual, not 50+ devs that changed stuff without having an overview of the entire system over a course of 6 years under time constraints (though, that cannot hold as a justification for every tiny flaw, bug and quirk in this game), neither was the vanilla code debugged instruction by instruction, watching through execution and whatnot for hours on end to verify it does what its supposed to do****, now sure, there will be a handful of bugs that manage to slip underneath the radar but not in the order of magnitude displayed by vanilla ( keep in mind, vanilla actually manages to run despite all the mess even under extreme situations (ie open bnet), make your math what this means with the new code! ), there will also be some unexpected combinations that grant tremandous power, but, as mentioned elsewhere, neither me nor the other devs see this as a considerable problem, the system is meant to be very open to exploration and combination, it is true that having millions of different combinations makes true balance impossible (true balance, being impossible anyway, as its an entirely subjective feeling and depends on each and every players own expectations and experience), but at the same time, millions of combinations also make the casual cookiecutter go crazy as its equally difficult to make a cookiecutter build when you don't have certain guidelines (ie 'use engima', '08 gaze' and 'a few bugged items' to pwn). Hardcore audiences will always find ways to achieve things that are out of the developers own scope (and sometimes event intent!), its only a question how you feel about it, and whenever you consider it to be a very bad thing that your players are trying to push the limits (which in my book, it is not) [ note, I do not include using bugs and holes in this obviously ]. If it can be achieved by legal means, you have every right to do so if it can be done, its the sole reason for an open explorative system, with all the freedom to build something without being constrained to a template. The same goes for our concept of world design, having the entire game bloody linear doesn't contribute to the feeling of a organic, living world, this is not to say that you can ' go to kill hell baal at clvl 1 ' like it was possible in vanilla v1.09 and older (well actually, even if we did allow it, it wouldn't be baal :P), the 'acts' being countries, in which you can progress, they have quests and missions ranging from the simplest tasks to absolutely suicidal ordeals, it all depends on how deep you are daring to progress (daring as in, you are not forced to do it, you can go about finishing only the few key events, it's up to you, if all you want to do is a 1% speed run, be my guest, I have no problem with it).

It comes down to the same thing with rarity, grind in itself is a part found in any rpg, it depends on the extent in which it is used, many games today are nothing but archaic game mechanics bloated with more grind then can possibly be healthy to give them a feeling of length and depth. Artificially delaying the inevitable is not something that makes a game better, only longer, without actually doing anything clever (hell, grind can be replaced with difficulty, it equally adds to length, but at least its more challenging then killing pindleskin 1 billion and eleven times to find a windforce [which are 99.9999% botted and then duped anyway, mostly due to this artificial scarcity, punishing the few players that do not cheat]). But why do vanilla players want these uniques so badly? simply because theres no alternatives (I count rune words as uniques here, as they too have preset stats, due to being unable to make them in non normal gear [ok superior items too, but what is +1 to max damage worth nowadays] [off-weapon ofc it counts for more, *cough*]), so why do they want them so badly? they are the only real option. MetalStorm puts its emphasis on rare items, as mentioned, most unique items are novelties, they have some truely unique capabilities but they are not always good (can be turned to the good in some cases though, but thats for players to discover, some things aren't what they first appear). Magic items are more common then rare items for a reason, they are meant to be weaker, I thus don't really understand what rare herb bluzzard was abusing when they got the idea that set, magic, normal (due to runewords) and unique items should all be more powerful then rares. After all, its _EASIER_ to find a CCBQ in a shop then a decent rare colossus blade, despite the fact that a CCBQ can be socketed (with 3 sockets, for 2 shaels, to max its WW speed, and before v1.10, eth, due to the bad way the stat was designed). Shouldn't the effort going into finding a rare colossus blade with decent modifiers (this can take longer then finding a grandfather because the rare stats are random and due to the totally wrong affix rarity usually subpar to uniques of half the level that are easier to find...) actually _REWARD_ the player more then repetedly clicking "trade" on a npc while using the waypoint to reload the inv? In MetalStorm rare items are better, they are better because they are meant to be better, they are meant to be superior to magic items, anything else would be, to say the least, unlogical. There are going to be reasons to use magic items, I did restrict some group of properties to magic items only (+all resistances, +all stats) and in a few cases they will make certain modifiers available earlier in the game (when the rare item drop rate is generally lower), all in the spirit that stuff should have an organic flow and progress alongside your own progress, instead of posing an obstacle. Difficulty is achieved by means other then grind, excessive grind isn't difficulty, excessive grind is a farce on difficulty. Unique items will not exactly be hard to find (you will get them now and then, but you can only do so once [ the game remembers what items you and other players have found even after you start a new game ], this will also apply to set items and the one quality beyond unique).

Other aspects of the MetalStorm balance is that the game reacts to how powerful you have become (in a MP game it considers the most powerful player in the game to be the 'variable' to work with). This means that the game will get more difficult as you get stronger ( the ai will become more aggressive, monsters are of higher level ), so theoretically, if you are lvl 150 you can do one of the early missions in a country and still have challenge doing it. This is irrelated to general ai improvements, its one of the 'other factors' that come into play. This increase in difficulty is gradual ( you won't get mLvl 150 units in the very first area, but they could easily hit lvl 50-70 there ), considering that level per se doesn't mean much ( none of the key formulae really use it anymore ), but leveling allows you to become stronger in general, which ofc effects the formulae too ( more dex/str/con/int/car will have its effects ), but a lvl 1 monster with a +10 weapons can still hit you and it will have good odds of achieving this. ( along these lines, most enemies have random equipment, and future additions to the ai will allow them to use their potions and scrolls etc ).

Many of the implementations that indeed have potential to break gameplay when incorrectly implemented are standards in rpgs (instant death spells, more or less freedom to explore parts of the game in your own order, invisibility etc), Incorrect implementation is when things cannot be countered ( d2 has this key problem with stun, which makes you invicible when done right ). Enemy mages can cast True Sight, which dispells your invisibility (as one example), you can counter this using other spells to protect from it, but that will often leave you vulnerable to other stuff ( not all protective magic can stack! ), and the ai may just know what that other stuff is, and use whatever will hurt the most if it can (and is smart enough!). Psychics and some other units can sense your presence, you may make noise when moving (in certain level types), which makes the invisibility merely a LoS reduction (again, they must be smart enough). Some effects like disintegration of lower undead are broken if you'd consider lower undead (zombies, skeletons) to be the ultimate end game menace, by the time this modifier is available these units are fodder summoned by powerful arch lich mages that can cast page 7-9 spells, you'd def. have other things to worry about by then ;))

**** Had they done this, they could've easily spotted 80% of the bugs the game contains (some are very cryptic to find, and I imagine their source isn't exactly clean, having been worked upon by so many people over the years, so its doubtlessly very hard to find it, without knowing it exists in the first place), but to disillusion all of you, no company working on closed-source code will ever bother to do it, patches (in someone elses words, turd polishing), are cheaper and faster approach then proper development, using the gamma phase as a extended alpha test, in the long run it is more expensive to patch stuff, games aren't meant to exist long enough for this to matter, they will be replaced by new products, so lots of it can fall under the nobody cares (ie the shareholders don't care) clause. It's also easier to remarket existing game mechanics over and over again then comming up with something really new (with the exception of the sort of innovation that just annoys, as its targeted at casual instead of hardcore audience, which is natural in a growing market trying to reach ever new groups of customers).
Well i'm sure when the time comes there will be plenty of testing, but like I said i've seen numerous mods struggleing over the fact that a lot of there skills are too, "Uber" and allow users to proceed through the game untouched. Of course, this mod has things that will also affect the player in a negative way more severely then any other mod out there at this point. Cursed items, Fear, etc.. so perhaps it would be possible. Right now though, I think we'll just wait and see.
Precisely, also, dev screenshots are a nice thing, but they shouldn't be something taken for granted to be the same way in the final release ( which is still very distant in the future ), they are by no means worth the time to draw elaborate conclusions about how things are going to end up. For example, we have designed nearly many different concepts on how to do skills since 2004 (at least 4 in the last couple of years), just to have them aborted in favor of something superior. The raw features and spirit will stay, the "why, when and what" will change. Many factors come into play in MetalStorm that are normal in rpgs, but absent from D2 ( ability to fail at quests, harsh consequences from how you do things, adaptive environments and ais ( diablos ai is a bit different, he actually decides what to use against you, he's also the only remotely challenging boss in vanilla ( but more so due to his obscene chance to block ) ... [ except for classic duriel, but that was due to preload lag ] ), effects like fear, freeze, stone curse, confuse, invisibility ( did you really think only players can do this? ), charm, blindness and so on an so forth.

The only way to get it right balanced. Is to actually test it
Of course :) but there is a time and place for everything. Tweaking, fine tuning, balancing and testing have their place once we have everything layed out in front of us. Right now we are only testing for bugs and glitches with newly implemented code as it gets implemented. ( every bit of revised / new code is debugged even when theres no apparent reason to do so :), "trust no one, not even your own code" )

Everything looks top notch! I love that you moved Natalya to Act IV - not much happens at the fortress icon_wink.gif

The Disintegrate effect is also very cool. The animation looks real professional

Keep up the good work, Nef!
:mrgreen: thanks, always nice to hear people like this stuff :)
the animation of disintegrate uses existing gfx, but implemented in a bit different way (and at different anim rates :)


PS: There will be no corpse_explosion-frozen_orb-meteor-chain_lightning-armageddon-nova, I promiss :twisted:
Last edited by Nefarius on Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:08 am, edited 4 times in total.
''(...) The game can basically be considered unhackable. '' - Blizzard Entertainment (30th May 2000)
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Re: New Eye-Candy/Screens/Movies (new screens: 20th June, 20

Post by DemonicAngel » Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:52 pm

Nefarius";p="392587" wrote:Yep, those things are only available as equipment, there will be magical and rare arrows / bolts / slingshot bullets
So, the Amazon bow skills are going to be replaced?
I'm still not sure in all that if you said if there will be all new skills or not...

It'd be a shame to have all of these other mods (invisibility, stone curse, etc.) and not have any new skills in which to let them shine. ;)

Nefarius";p="392587" wrote: This also gives me a chance to write a small summary of the balance in MetalStorm
Longest small summary I've ever seen! :P

Artificially delaying the inevitable is not something that makes a game better, only longer, without actually doing anything clever (hell, grind can be replaced with difficulty, it equally adds to length, but at least its more challenging then killing pindleskin 1 billion and eleven times to find a windforce


Difficulty is achieved by means other then grind, excessive grind isn't difficulty, excessive grind is a farce on difficulty.
I completely agree with you! :)
[ the game remembers what items you and other players have found even after you start a new game ], this will also apply to set items and the one quality beyond unique).
Wow. 8-O
Other aspects of the MetalStorm balance is that the game reacts to how powerful you have become (in a MP game it considers the most powerful player in the game to be the 'variable' to work with). This means that the game will get more difficult as you get stronger ( the ai will become more aggressive, monsters are of higher level ), so theoretically, if you are lvl 150 you can do one of the early missions in a country and still have challenge doing it.
That's amazing.

(And it also means that if we choose to rerun an area at some point we won't totally pwn and get bored :D )
along these lines, most enemies have random equipment, and future additions to the ai will allow them to use their potions and scrolls etc ).
They use equipment? Is the equipment they use the stuff that they drop?
and the ai may just know what that other stuff is, and use whatever will hurt the most if it can (and is smart enough!).
Your monsters' ai will be smarter at this game than most of us. :lol:
We won't know automatically what will hurt the most or anything like that. :oops:

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Post by Jakebow » Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:57 pm

I understand a lot of your Diablo 2 rant. I always think that the rant showed most of the depth of the project as well. We all know this is going to be a massive project, but we're cheering you on. =)
You have conquered, and I yield. Yet, henceforward, art thou also dead - - dead to the World, to Heaven, and to Hope! In me didst thou exist - - and, in my death, see by this image, which is thine own, how utterly thou hast murdered thyself. - Edger Allan Poe

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Re: New Eye-Candy/Screens/Movies (new screens: 20th June, 20

Post by Nefarius » Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:53 am

So, the Amazon bow skills are going to be replaced?
I'm still not sure in all that if you said if there will be all new skills or not...

It'd be a shame to have all of these other mods (invisibility, stone curse, etc.) and not have any new skills in which to let them shine.
You're still not thinking outside the box ;)
And ofc there will be new spells, skills is a deprecated concept in our book.
( there are abilities that are bound to the class [ class being independant from how the character looks! ] ),
but stuff like predefined template trees a la D2 with only a single way to improve and gain new abilities (invest points),
is not what this will be like.
Which part? the drop-memory was a feature of D2 before lod (v1.00-v1.06 remembered what unique items dropped and you couldn't get the item again if you had it already, unless you disposed of it), v1.07+ changed it to allow it to drop only once per game, which kinda beats the purpose of unique items.
And it also means that if we choose to rerun an area at some point we won't totally pwn and get bored
Ofc, this is the main idea behind it :), likely also the species of monsters you encounter will change when you revisit areas. ( ie theres more then one pool to pick from, so you may get new variants that behave entirely different as you revisit old grounds ).
They use equipment? Is the equipment they use the stuff that they drop?
Yes, we intend to do it this way, if the outcome of it is reasonable ( to the very least you will not get 8ft polearm drop from a fallen ).
Your monsters' ai will be smarter at this game than most of us.
We won't know automatically what will hurt the most or anything like that.
Yep, though thats a natural way of learning too ( looking what the ai does to cancel a spell, though, the descriptions are rather verbous, so its not hard to find out what the spells do ).

but we're cheering you on. =)
thanks :)
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Re: New Eye-Candy/Screens/Movies (new screens: 20th June, 20

Post by kingpin » Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:39 am

Which part? the drop-memory was a feature of D2 before lod (v1.00-v1.06 remembered what unique items dropped and you couldn't get the item again if you had it already, unless you disposed of it), v1.07+ changed it to allow it to drop only once per game, which kinda beats the purpose of unique items.
Still if same unique drop twice in a game. the second becomes a rare with extra dur :)

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Re: New Eye-Candy/Screens/Movies (new screens: 20th June, 20

Post by Nefarius » Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:10 am

It still downgrades failed unique/set items to rare/magic in the new code, just seaminglessly (without the extra dur)
''(...) The game can basically be considered unhackable. '' - Blizzard Entertainment (30th May 2000)
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Re: New Eye-Candy/Screens/Movies (new screens: 20th June, 20

Post by Radamer » Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:23 am

Nice rant and I totally agree with you. While Diablo II is a fun game to play, the main problem is that you end up playing the same crap over and over. I can't tell you how many times I got annoyed by other Battle.net players who wanted to be rushed through the current difficulty. I switched to SP and found that everything was about the same (even though trying my luck at Uber Tristram was now impossible) and that I didn't have to deal with online idiots.

The biggest design flaw that I've seen (and has annoyed me to now end) was the implementation of immunities on monsters and the implementation of damage synergies. Separately, both features would have been fine (except for physical immunes, which could have been done away with considering the lack of skills for melee characters to deal with this) but with both in there, players became specialists who either teleported through whole areas and didn't receive the benefit of the kill. Indeed, try finding a tri-elementalist Sorceress on Battle.net. It's always a two-skill wonder. The main point is, the end result left you with very few options among an already limited skill set. At least in Diablo you could always revert to throwing up a fire wall and walking away from a tough enemy.

It looks like Metalstorm resolves this major annoyance and allows us to create very diverse characters.

By the way, being a software developer myself, I appreciate all your hard work. I know how annoying it can be to go through someone else's code and realize that it's a piece of crap. In my case, I really want to re-write the entire thing, but I don't have the time or the resources to do it. It's good to see that you (and others) have worked out the basic requirements and design before embarking on this arduous task. Just please keep in mind that the final product will never be perfect and try not to get wrapped up in that mentality. You've done what looks to be a lot of great work so far, try to have a deadline in mind for release so all of us eager folks can enjoy it before Microsoft or Blizzard makes this game obsolete. I don't have any expectations of when it will be released (and you don't have to tell us of any deadlines you have in mind either), but I have experience in late releases of products and how damaging it can be. I have a project at my company that still operates on .NET 1.1, even though the newer Framework has been out for a while.

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Re: New Eye-Candy/Screens/Movies (new screens: 20th June, 20

Post by Nefarius » Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:51 am

Nice rant and I totally agree with you. While Diablo II is a fun game to play, the main problem is that you end up playing the same crap over and over. I can't tell you how many times I got annoyed by other Battle.net players who wanted to be rushed through the current difficulty. I switched to SP and found that everything was about the same (even though trying my luck at Uber Tristram was now impossible) and that I didn't have to deal with online idiots.
Yes, I couldn't agree more with this. I got disgusted in v1.10+ (I had several characters on the realms past lvl 80-90 on this patch, so its not like I criticise something I haven't played), by the fact you cannot do anything in this game anymore that doesn't end with the word run. (early in the game, do runs on tristram, then on the tombs of act2, then rush to act5, do baal runs) repeat x3 and you beat the game, after that repeat baal until you're lvl 99. Its all the game comes down to. Instead of giving people a reason to play thru other areas, they added forced level and portal restrictions, oh my, now that's really, "revolutionary" isn't it? (the difficulty requirements on quest items are ok IMO). How long does it take to bypass the act3 portal blockade? 1-5 second(s) to have a lvl 90 char discreate the council?

The biggest design flaw that I've seen (and has annoyed me to now end) was the implementation of immunities on monsters and the implementation of damage synergies. Separately, both features would have been fine (except for physical immunes, which could have been done away with considering the lack of skills for melee characters to deal with this) but with both in there, players became specialists who either teleported through whole areas and didn't receive the benefit of the kill. Indeed, try finding a tri-elementalist Sorceress on Battle.net. It's always a two-skill wonder. The main point is, the end result left you with very few options among an already limited skill set. At least in Diablo you could always revert to throwing up a fire wall and walking away from a tough enemy.
Yep, when it comes to the way skills are handled in D2, its more of a backward evolution from D1. They had some valid reasons to do this, and other things back when the game was being developed (you'll have to dig up all those alpha interviews via archive.org, as the sites are long gone, or deleted the content by now), for example they initially intended to have characters more along the lines of traditional rpgs, with the sprite being irrelated to the class, but this was dropped in favor of more specialized graphics, but ofc, this also meant many things get deadlocked to the class and that other early concept like choseable gender were removed to keep the size of the game smaller. MetalStorm is going to revoke this, and once again untie the sprite from the class, with a revised *.D2S format storing much more info on the player is now possible, the rest is largely changing the GUI code, as the games core way of handling spells is very open, its just limited by the design choices blizzard took.***
It looks like Metalstorm resolves this major annoyance and allows us to create very diverse characters.
Yes, what we have in mind for metalstorm is a mix of how spells and abilities are handled in games like BG2, some old classic console RPGs and D1. There are also instances in which you can ask NPCs to give you training in a new move, which is then added to your pool of abilities. Theres no such thing as "skill levels" anymore, the power of the spells depends on how much you're willing to specialize in that branch (as a consequence all spells of a branch improve) and as mentioned earlier, Intelligence being a factor for how strong spells get. Notice to anyone, I will not leak more info about the spell system, so people drool over the info you've just got ;)

By the way, being a software developer myself, I appreciate all your hard work. I know how annoying it can be to go through someone else's code and realize that it's a piece of crap. In my case, I really want to re-write the entire thing, but I don't have the time or the resources to do it. It's good to see that you (and others) have worked out the basic requirements and design before embarking on this arduous task. Just please keep in mind that the final product will never be perfect and try not to get wrapped up in that mentality.
In my eyes, anything better then vanilla and without vanilla's bugs is already a major improvement. One sentence that holds truth being, "at least my bugs are my bugs" which is the main reason for replacing so much of the code even when it may not seem mendatory at first (it's easier to fix bugs in code you've written yourself without first needing to drive source code out of 5K lines of ASM to find a tiny typo, that however cannot be properly fixed without replacing the whole routine). As far as perfection is concerned, it cannot be achieved, even with my tendency to lean towards perfectionism, but anything in the lower spheres of somewhat-near-perfection is more then good enough and def. a major improvement from what it started (ie the vanilla code). ( though, jokes aside, the code revision im undertaking now may seam like a useless ordeal, but the old code base was never designed with such a huge project in mind ( and I've learned a share of new tricks since I started this several years ago, originally on v1.10), so it's more a case of 'better safe then sorry')

You've done what looks to be a lot of great work so far, try to have a deadline in mind for release so all of us eager folks can enjoy it before Microsoft or Blizzard makes this game obsolete. I don't have any expectations of when it will be released (and you don't have to tell us of any deadlines you have in mind either), but I have experience in late releases of products and how damaging it can be. I have a project at my company that still operates on .NET 1.1, even though the newer Framework has been out for a while
We don't have a time based deadline, but a list of things left to implement :), we are adding the actual final content along the way if it is possible (ie the underlaying code is complete or for the least, will not change anymore to any degree that would make the txt work useless). So as for a 'set in stone' deadline there isn't any, but there is a 'set in stone' "must be implemented" list, once this is worked up the product itself is going to be fairly complete (due to the synchronous work on hardcoded and softcoded data).

*** Some tech info here, the skills are stored in a linked list, theres no limit on the skill count or anything, its just the way the menu is being created in vanilla (its read from a list created via skills.txt/skilldesc.txt), so the extra skills cannot show up on a tree without changing the way the tree is being displayed. ( to point out why its mostly a GUI issue ).
''(...) The game can basically be considered unhackable. '' - Blizzard Entertainment (30th May 2000)
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Re: New Eye-Candy/Screens/Movies (new screens: 20th June, 20

Post by AdmiralCrackbar » Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:14 pm

Holy Crap! I missed a lot the past 2 days 8-O It's good to know you have a "set in stone" list of stuff you want to accomplish; that's better than a drop dead date in my opinion. I have a suggestion, though: If you think of something else to add and we think of something else to add (etc. etc.), put all those suggestions/ideas in a separate list to be added and worked on after the 1st version is released. Otherwise, the list will never end, because there's always something to be done with an engine this old. Plus, there will be something else to look forward to after the initial release! That way the community can stay active and the mod will have a much longer life :)

Your work so far has been phenomenal.

We need this weapon :fork:


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Post by Jakebow » Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:30 pm

Glad to see the mod is still in progress! :D
Thought i'd request a few screenshots.

1) How about a screenshot of some of the new NPCs? Not dialogue, i'm sure thats going to be a secret ;) but just so we can see the number of them? Something for some eye candy.
2) How about a estimate / screenshot of how many base item types there will be? Curious to see if your adding a bunch of new ones.
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Re: Eye-Candy, Screens & Movies (updated: 17th July, 200

Post by Nefarius » Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:18 pm

I'll include that (or something to that extent) when I post the next batch of screenshots.
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Post by Jakebow » Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:10 pm

Alright. Thanks Nefarius! :D I'm really looking forward to more. :D
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Re: Eye-Candy, Screens & Movies (updated: 18th July, 200

Post by Nefarius » Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:28 am

Alright. Thanks Nefarius! :D I'm really looking forward to more. :D

There ya go, hope it's what you wanted to see ;)
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Post by AdmiralCrackbar » Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:32 pm

Looking good! All of these new elements are going to make D2 more interesting, and the fact that the AI is much smarter is a HUGE improvement. Keep up the good work :D

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Re: Eye-Candy, Screens & Movies (updated: 18th July, 200

Post by DemonicAngel » Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:42 pm

If you kill an enemy before they use their items, are those automatically dropped? If so, it'll be cool to be like "Wow, good thing I killed him before he used this spell". :)

Btw, the name of thread should say "Updated August 18th", not July. ;)

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Re: Eye-Candy, Screens & Movies (updated: 18th August, 2

Post by Nefarius » Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:06 pm

Yeah, it is planned to do this, it will be the same way with their equipped weapons/armor (if any).

This was originally a vanilla D2 feature they scrapped in the alpha (alongside hearts and organs), monsters could also do a "component" drop [ie drop the items matching the itemcodes of their composit gfx] (see MonItemPercent.txt of old). [ so basically treasureclass/heart/bodypart/component ], I will revive this (organs and hearts are re-enabled already, the proper way not via emulation using tcs...), the component part will drop their monequip ;)
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Post by DemonicAngel » Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:01 pm

Cool. :D

What about Thief type skills? Monsters could steal potions/scrolls from players and vice versa perhaps? Monsters with lower intelligence could just steal them to prevent you from using them, higher AI monsters and bosses could use them back on you. 8-O

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Post by Nefarius » Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:07 pm

[quote=DemonicAngel";p="399921"]Cool. :D

What about Thief type skills? Monsters could steal potions/scrolls from players and vice versa perhaps? Monsters with lower intelligence could just steal them to prevent you from using them, higher AI monsters and bosses could use them back on you. 8-O[/quote]

It's a nice idea and its also very feasible for implementing, ( I had coded a test AI that steals drops from the floor a while back, I don't use it though ).
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Post by DemonicAngel » Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:45 am

I'm probably going to kick myself every time that's used against me when I play the mod. :lol:

Anyway it's awesome you're so open to fan suggestions. :D

Edit [Feb. 3 2009]: This topic was flashing green as if there was a new post, but there hasn't been, nor any updates either. What's with that? :-|
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Re: Eye-Candy, Screens & Movies (updated: 2nd Jan, 2009)

Post by Nefarius » Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:23 pm

I edited it, ie set it as an announcement so it doesn't linger among the sticky topics :P --- same with the progress thread.

There will be many more screenfeeds when the two remaining source files are revised and we can add stuff again fulltime.
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Re: Eye-Candy, Screens & Movies (updated: 2nd Jan, 2009)

Post by Nasher » Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:57 am

Hello Nefarius! It's been about two years since my last visit to this Keep, but when a friend of mine told me about your mod, I knew it was the time to come here and say that your mod is the best thing I've heard about Diablo II since then. It's awesome, really. Good work!

One question: did you ever think about making the drops exclusive for each player like it will be for Diablo III, so everyone wins the reward for the kill? What do you think about this 'feature'?

Keep the good work!
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Re: Eye-Candy, Screens & Movies (updated: 5th Mar, 2009)

Post by Nefarius » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:45 pm

One question: did you ever think about making the drops exclusive for each player like it will be for Diablo III, so everyone wins the reward for the kill? What do you think about this 'feature'?
The way drops work in 'MetalStorm' is from a rather realistic point of view, monsters drop the random equipment they are spawned with (which they themselves use against the player). Items you obtain as quest rewards generally are recieved from the NPC who gave the quest (or some other NPC involved in the process of the quest), the bosses generally reward people with quest experience (how this differs from normal exp will be detailed here at some point) and random drops. There are also SP and MP exclusive quests, the type of rewards are taylored depending on the type of quest in general, the MP exclusive things are directed more towards epic battles, while SP has usually more puzzling tasks. (thats not to say anything though, you'll find plenty of the stuff also in the opposit game mode :P --- just to outline a general tendency)

As for using a system a la D3 as a whole, It is too artificial for my taste. I guess it would be OK in a project aimed at a huge audience, but in a project aimed at LAN parties and SP I don't see much difference coming out of such a system.
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Post by gogodanny » Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:50 pm

your whole work sounds breathtaking but i'm kinda worried that once it'll come out (in 2015 :mrgreen: ) it might not attract enough people?
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Re: Eye-Candy, Screens & Movies (updated: 5th Mar, 2009)

Post by Nefarius » Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:07 pm

If I bothered with the number of people playing this thing I probably wouldn't continue working with this old game anymore ;), but with that being said, this is one of the last things I spend a thought on - those who are still around then are free to enjoy this, those that aren't, it's their loss :twisted:.
Last edited by Nefarius on Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DemonicAngel » Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:00 am

Even if I completely stop playing Diablo II, which I mostly have except for a bit of Median here and there, I'd still return to it to play this mod whenever it comes out. :mrgreen:

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