Interview - (2003-05-04) ChaoticDeath

Interview - (2003-05-04) ChaoticDeath

Description: Phrozen Heart of the Phrozen Keep interviews ChaoticDeath on his Corrupted Death mod and mod making in general.

Categories: Interviews

Tell us a little about who 'ChaoticDeath' is.
I am Andrew, and live in Virginia, USA. I have a lovely sister (12, Jackie) who is great at singing and playing the piano. I also have a very kind mother(Debra) and father(Anthony; 'Scott'). I myself am 13 years old, and I do karate (Chun Kuk Do) and am a power tumbler, level 6.
What first drew you to Diablo 2 mods and mod making?
After my account on closed that was 100% legit got stolen or hÄcked, I was pretty mad. Then I went on open for a bit, and noticed people asking about 'boss mods and exp mods'. I found out that mods were modifications, and that some of them were pretty interesting. I kept playing different mods, and finally I found the Phorzen Keep! This was the best mod central place I had seen, so I kept looking there for updates. I tried once while I was 12 to try and mod, but to no success. Then, a year later, I tried modding and joined the forums, which was a great place for help. I downloaded the Idiot's Guide to D2 Modmaking, and it helped a lot. After that, I just took off!
Is Corrupted Death the first mod you've created for Diablo 2?
So far, Corrupted Death is the first MAJOR mod I have created. I have made little test ones, but them realized my potential and started making a big one, and look where it is now!
In that case, give us a quick overview of the different aspects of the CD mod.
Well, CD (Corrupted Death) takes a little something from a lot of different mods, and also throws in a lot of new ideas that I thought of. Some ideas may sound like they were from other mods, but I thought of them alone and then noticed that they were in other mods too! CD has many features, but the most unique will be the variety of spells, and then something that no other mod has ever done before. This will be the amount of runewords, and the fact that every single possible combination of two runes will automatically make a runeword! This will make two-socketed items very powerful, and no matter what two runes you have, you can make a runeword.
What would you say was your one main goal in creating this mod?
At first it was just for fun for me and my cousin, Steve. But then I decided to make it public, and many people grew attracted to it, so now it just grows more and more. At the moment I am just trying to please myself, my friends/family, and the public.
What did you find to be your biggest challenge in making Corrupted Death?
Definetly the uniques and runewords. Just the sheer amount of them was very overwhelming to me. I finally finished the 500 uniques, but runewords are not yet completed. FirEFroG, my partner, is naming the runewords, putting which runes will be required to put in, and what kind of item. I think almost all of them will be in armor and weapons, though.
Was there anything you would have liked to include in your mod but couldn't?
Some skills, such as the future necro skill, Super Revive. This would allow you to revive superunique monsters, such as Blood Raven or Diablo. Maybe socketing a specific unique item with a specific gem, and transforming it totally... You know, just impossible ideas . (I really wanted to implement weapon-parrying, though...)
I see your beta version appears to be nearing completion, any ideas yet of a possible release date?
Definetly during this May. It should be out in 1 or 2 weeks, but the problem is that I am very stressed out with school right now, as I have too many projects. And, unfortunately, we all no that real life comes before modding.
With all the buzz surrounding it's release, what are your feelings on the new v1.10 patch?
Honestly, I feel like I am in a race with it. I want the beta for my mod to be out before the patch comes out. I am also a little afraid, because then I will have to fix all the new skills I changed for the beta, and that took a while. But on the other hand, it should make most of my future skills and ideas possible.
Other than your own, what mods would you recommend that someone new to modding should go out and try?
I was addicted to New Dawn X, and sometimes still play it. I liked the Demon Trip mods, which were by Brother Laz. CryptForge was also interesting, which allows to play as the three Prime Evils. I played an old version of Eastern Sun and the Rune mod, which were very fun too. I haven't played the new versions, but I hear they are great.
And finally, what advice would you give to a newbie mod maker?
Download the Idiot's Guide to D2 Modmaking, take your time, real life over modding, and lastly, have fun!

Anyone wishing to check out the Corrupted Death mod can do so by visiting the official website at

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