Misc.txt File Guide

Misc.txt File Guide

Description: by Ric Faith

Categories: File Guides (1.09x)

(Includes comments/tips from others, such as Jarulf, Xavon Wrentaile, and 54x)

Name/Namco - name of item. (tho' if I'm not
mistaken it only matters what you put in your final string.tbl entry,
this could merely be sometime to remind yourself)

compactsave - Useless column <Jarulf: This was
(should be no need now) telling if the game could use a more compact
save method for the item by omitting the magic seed (which took quite
some space). This was erroneously set for gems for example (when it was
introduced) and caused all gems to unrandomize.>

version - 0 for available for all games, 100
available in expansion only <Jarulf: Use so that the game knows an
item should not generate if the game is a normal game (as oposed to

level - required lvl before item will drop (based
on mlvl)<54x: Determines which treasureclass it will drop under.
(eg. level 28, 29, and 30 armours will drop from armo30) It also
determines what level you must be to buy this item at an NPC's.>
levelreq - Min clvl to use item

Rarity - Bigger num, more rare (tho' drop rates are controlled
in TCex AFAIK)

Spawnable - Can it be sold in shops or dropped by monsters
- Xavon Wrentaile

speed - Useless column - confirmed by Xavon Wrentaile

nodurability - to set item indestructability

cost - How much the item costs to buy <sell price is
½ * value - bkdoane> <JBouley: I believe, actually,
sell value when you dump an item at a vendor is one-fourth the
cost for you to buy it>

gamblecost - cost to gamble item (at proper vendors)

code - IMPT! this has to be different from all the other
codes used by the game. And this is the code that needs to be
entering into string.tbl. <Jarulf: Don't delete the old codes
to prevent possible assertion errors with deleted items>

alternategfx - Useless column - confirmed by Xavon Wrentaile

component - what part of the body to equip to - Xavon

invwidth - item width

invheight - item height

hasinv - has a predetermined spot in the inv(body) section.

gemsockets - is item socketable?

flippyfile - The name of the animation file the item uses
in-game when it's dropped (if it's a item that looks similar
to another item you could just

copy this cell from there, unless you intend to remaster the
gfx for the drop, if so the file to look for is data\global\items\flpxxxxxxx.dc6.

xxxxxxx is stated specifically for the item) Note:For flippyfile,
you need to use the DC6Maker available in PK. this allows to
extract individual

frames which can be edited. Change the palette back to the 256-col
used in D2 (palettes are also available in Tools of the Trade)
and recompile with DC6Maker again) whatever name you save your
new flpxxx as, put it in this cell

invfile - The DC6 file that this item uses in your inventory
(this is the one most commonly edited, I use the above method

uniqueinvfile - The DC6 file that the unique version of
this item uses in your inventory.

special - it's blank

Transmogrify - Whether or not the item can be right clicked
and be changed into another item (Fusman's morphing gem uses

TMogType - The 3 character code which respresents the
item that this item becomes when right clicked (see Transmogrify)

TMogMin/TMogMax - The min/max quantity appearing of the
item in Transmogrify

useable - Can item be be used by right-clicking it eg.
potions, scrolls etc

throwable - Can item be thrown?

type - The group this item belongs to eg. Books, potions

type2 - 2nd group item can belong to. (eg.Gems have 2
group, gemtype and gemquality)

sound - The number of the sound the item makes when dropped
or moved in the inventory.

unique - only 1 allow per person at a time (eg, bark scroll/meph
soulstone) <Xavon Wrentaile: It's to state whether item only
appears as a unique>

transparent - Unknown (only torch has 1, else 0)

transtbl - Used for gems to apply their 'color' to a socketed
item. Not sure of the values, but 5 seems to make the item change
to the appropriate color

lightradius - The light radius of the item (the higher
the brighter)

belt - Whether or not the item can be placed in a belt

autobelt - Whether or not the item appears in your belt
when picked up

stackable - Whether or not the item can be stacked (doesn't
seem to work unless item was already meant to stack, am looking
into it, some ppl are

trying to stack healing potions) <JBouley: Potion stacking
doesn't work; the game treats the entire stack as a single potion>

minstack/maxstack - Min/max number in stack found for
stackable items

spawnstack - max amt spawnable (ref to arrows/bolt/keys
to get a good picture)

quest - Which quest this item is related to (if a quest

missiletype - What missile type this item uses when this
item is thrown. (jav/potions)

spellicon - Which spellicon should be used, when you use
the item (eg. the throwing-icon for jav's )

durwarning - Which icon appears for low durability warnings

qntwarning - How low the durability of the item can get
before it starts warning you

gemoffset - Unknown (always 0 anyways)

BetterGem - (Gems only) What gem code is the next step
up when it's upgraded by a shrine or cube (non=none,else follow

bitfield1 - Unknown

{vendorname}Min/Max - Min/Max number of the item that
{vendorname} will have for sale if the item is spawnable

{vendorname}MagicMin/MagicMax - Min/Max number of magical
versions of the item that {vendorname} will have for sale if
the item is spawnable

shopMagicLvl - Not 100%, somehow relates to the level
of the prefixes that the magical items sold by {vendorname} can

Source/Game Art - Unknown

Transform - Not certain, related to either the unique
in-game gfx or a flag as to whether the item color shifts for
magical versions of itself (0s all

the way)

InvTrans - Not certain, related to either the unique inventory
gfx or a flag as to whether the item color shifts for magical
versions of itself (still

all 0s)

SkipName - Unknown

NightmareUpgrade - When this item appears in Nightmare
difficulty, the item x rows down will actually appear instead
(x being the value entered) <JBouley: I don't know if this
works well or not, but you can simply put the three-character
itemcode for the item your want it to upgrade to>

HellUpgrade - When this item appears in Hell difficulty,
the item x rows down will actually appear instead (x being the
value entered) <JBouley: I don't know if this works well or
not, but you can simply put the three-character itemcode for
the item your want it to upgrade to>

mindam/maxdam - If useable as a weapon, min/max damage

PermStoreItem - When set to 1, the item will never run
out in the shop; you can keep buying it as much as you want

Nameable - possibly to state whether it can be personalised?

Link to this article: Select all

[url=https://www.d2mods.info/forum/kb/viewarticle?a=236]Knowledge Base - Misc.txt File Guide[/url]