Levels.txt File Guide

Levels.txt File Guide

Description: by Nefarius

Categories: File Guides (1.09x)

Name: Internal Level Name

Id: Level ID (used in columns like VIS0-7)

Pal: Palette (Color Palette loaded for the Level, you can change this but mostly
the colors get messed up greatly)

Act: The Act the Level is located in (internal numbering 0-4)

Layer: what layer is the level on (surface levels are set to 0 etc)

SizeX: Horizontal Size of the Level

SizeY: Vertical Size of the Level

OffsetX: Horizontal Placement Offset

OffsetY: Vertical Placement Offset

Depense: Special Setting for levels which are not random and not preset (Outer
Cloister, Arcane Sanctuary)

Rain: Does it Rain/Snow in this Level (1=yes, 0=no)

Mud: Unused setting (In pre beta D2 blizzard planed Rain to cause Mud which
would have slowed your char's speed down, but this never made it into the final

NoPer: Setting for 3D Enhanced D2 that disables Perspective Mode for a specific
level. (1=disabled, 0=enabled)

LOSDraw: Alows you to look thru objects and walls even if they are not in a
wilderness level. (1=yes, 0=no)

FloorFilter: Probably has to do with Tiles and their Placement (function
currently unknown) (1=yes, 0=no)

BlankScreen: Probably has to do with Tiles and their Placement (function
currently unknown) (1=yes, 0=no)

DrawEdges: for levels bordered with mountains, walls (act 1 wildernesses for
example) (1=yes, 0=no)

IsInside: Is this level a Underground or Indoor area (1=yes, 0=no)

DrlgType: Setting for Level Generation: 1=Random Size, amount of rooms defined
by LVLMAZE.TXT, 2=pre set map (example: catacombs lvl4) and 3=Random Area with
preset size (wildernesses)

LevelType: The type of the Level (Id from lvltypes.txt)

Sub Columns - IDs from LVLSub.txt

SubType: Setting Regarding Level Type (6=wilderness, 9=desert etc, -1=no

SubTheme: Setting Regarding Themes (function unknown)

SubWaypoint: Setting Regarding Waypoints (does not control waypoint placement)

SubShrine: Setting Regarding Shrines (does not control what shrines appear)

Vis0: entry/exit to level #1

Vis1: entry/exit to level #2

Vis2: entry/exit to level #3

Vis3: entry/exit to level #4

Vis4: entry/exit to level #5

Vis5: entry/exit to level #6

Vis6: entry/exit to level #7

Vis7: entry/exit to level #8

Refer to LVLWarp.txt

Warp0: Vis0 - GFX

Warp1: Vis1 - GFX

Warp2: Vis2 - GFX

Warp3: Vis3 - GFX

Warp4: Vis4 - GFX

Warp5: Vis5 - GFX

Warp6: Vis6 - GFX

Warp7: Vis7 - GFX

Intensity: Light Intensity: 0-255

Red: Red Lighting Strength (in 2D mode all colors are normal light)

Green: Green Light Strengh (in 2D mode all colors are normal light)

Blue: Blue Light Strength (in 2D mode all colors are normal light)

Portal: (Function Unknown)

Poistion: Setting for Perset Levels

SaveMonster: Does the game save the state of the Monsters for the area (1=yes,
0=no) (towns are set to 0 so that NPCs get respawned and hence get new items
when you leave town)

Quest: Setting Related to Quests (Previous assumptions are incorrect)

WarpDist: (Function Unknown) (2025 is the Default Value)

MonLvl1: Area (Dungeon) Level on Normal (controls the item level of items that
drop from chests etc)

MonLvl2: Area (Dungeon) Level on Nightmare (controls the item level of items
that drop from chests etc)

MonLvl3: Area (Dungeon) Level on Hell (controls the item level of items that
drop from chests etc)

MonLvl1Ex: Area (Dungeon) Level on Normal in D2X (controls the item level of
items that drop from chests etc)

MonLvl2Ex: Area (Dungeon) Level on Nightmare in D2X (controls the item level of
items that drop from chests etc)

MonLvl3Ex: Area (Dungeon) Level on Hell in D2X (controls the item level of items
that drop from chests etc)

MonDen: Monster Density: The Density of Monsters (Can be set to values above
10000, but should be left well below 3000 to prevent SlowDown in GamePlay due to
Sprite Overloading)

MonUMin: Minimum Unique and Champion Monsters Spawned in this Level

MonUMax: Maximum Unique and Champion Monsters Spawned in this Level

MonWndr: Does the monster 'wander?' (1=yes, 0=no) Controls whether monsters wander around
while 'unactivated' by the player or stand still until activated [Thanks to Roland for this late-breaking
piece of information, which he tipped me off to in August 2003. -Jeff]

MonSpcWalk: (Unknown)

Mtot: How many different Species of Monsters can occur in this area (example: if
you use M1-25 then set Mtot to 25 etc)

M1-M25: Monster Species 1-25 (use ID from MonStats.txt)

S1-S25: Spawned Species 1-25 (use ID from MonStats for Monsters which have
eSpawnCol set to 2, related to M1-25, eg: if M1 Spawns S1 will Spawn)

UTot: How many different Species of Monsters can spawn as Uniques and Champions
in this Area (works like Mtot)

U1-U25: Unique Species 1-25 (same as M1-M25 just for Monsters that you want to
appear as Unique/Champions)

C1-C5: Critter Species 1-5 (For monsters set to 1 in the IsCritter Column in

CA1-CA5: Related to C1-5, eg: if you spawn a critter thru C1 then set this
column to 30 etc. (function unknown)


Themes: Which Theme is used for this Area (unknown function)

SoundEnv: Referes to a entry in SoundEnviron.txt (for the Levels Music)

Waypoint: 255=No way Point, other #'s Waypoint ID (you cans witch waypoint
destinations between areas this way)

LevelName: String Code for the Display name of the Level

LevelWarp: String Code for the Display name of a entrance to this Level

EntryFile: Which *.DC6 Title Image is loaded when you enter this area

ObjGrp0-7: Use the ID of the ObjectGroup you want to Spawn in this Area (from

ObjPrb0-7: Object Spawn Possibility: the Chance for this object to occur (if you
use ObjGrp0 then set ObjPrb0 to a value below 100)

Beta: Reference Only (can be used for comments)

Annex A (by JBouley) - Important Notes on Populate ID Numbers

It is important to understand that in most cases, the numbers you use
in the Monster, Spawner and Unique monster columns in this file will be
the Populate ID numbers listed for those monsters in monstats.txt. But
this is NOT always the case.

You will notice that 'Classic' D2 monsters and some expansion monsters
share the same Populate ID numbers. How does the game know which monster
to pick? Here's how it works:

If you want to spawn classic monsters in areas that appear in Acts 1
through 4, use the Populate ID number as listed in monstats.txt. Simple?

Likewise, if you want to spawn an expansion monster in an Act 5 area,
use the Populate ID number as listed. Simple.

In other words, the classic areas are coded to 'prefer'classic
monsters, and the expansion part of the game favors expansion monsters.
But you 'CAN spawn classic monsters in some areas of Act 5, and you
'CAN spawn virtually any expansion monster in almost any area in
Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, or Act 4. You just need to 'fool' the game
a little.

To spawn an expansion monster in Acts 1 through 4, simply subtract 2
from the monster's row number in monstats.txt and use the resulting
number as the Populate ID number. So, let's assume you want to spawn the
Ice Boar in the Blood Moor. Look in monstats.txt. The Ice Boar appears on
line 458 of monstats.txt. Substract 2 from that and you have 456. So, in
one of the M columns for the Blood Moor row in Levels.txt, put 456.
('NOTE: Nefarius, the author of most of this resource guide, tells
me the method is row number minus 2, though I have long been told [and
have used] the system of row number minus 3 to take into account the
blank 'Expansion' row. Just be aware that there seems to be some
confusion on this point, but I'll go with Nefarius' calculations on this
since he's been doing it more recently than I have. -JBouley)

To spawn 'classic' monsters in Act 5 is a little different. Take the
monster's PopulateID...for this example we'll use the Damned, which has
a Populate ID of 14. Then subtract 436 from that number. So, 14 minus 436
equals -422. Type that negative number into the Act 5 area in Levels.txt
that you want it to appear in. Note that this tends to work best with
indoor and underground areas of Act 5. Many outdoor areas in Act 5 are
heavily hardcoded and might not spawn classic monsters.

Annex B - Enlarging the Valley of the Snakes

In this tutorial we will learn how to resize valley of Snakes to be 64x64 cells without using a map editor.

First of start by opening levels.txt (the only file we will need)

Go down to Act 2 - Desert 5 Row. First off go to the SizeX and SizeY
columns change them from 32 to 64 (you can make it larger but lets stay
w this for now, as some times you will need to change the other levels
if you exceed specific sizes)

Now go to the SubType column change -1 to 9, next Change SubTheme from -1 to 3, leave subwaypoint and sunshrine as is.

Go over to the portal column and change it to 1,

Last we will change WarpDist from 2025 to 3800.

Thats it, if you have 'old' save files w old maps
delete the *.ma1 file for that char, these store the act2 maps you
revealed. now enter the game any enjoy your larger level.

You can also populate the level with monsters now.

Link to this article: Select all

[url=https://www.d2mods.info/forum/kb/viewarticle?a=232&sid=d6ae5599941521ac3d3fcbceb83a2f74]Knowledge Base - Levels.txt File Guide[/url]