Inventory.txt File Guide

Inventory.txt File Guide

Description: by SiLenTx

Categories: File Guides (1.09x)


Rows (References)


Amazon = Inventory (640x480 Resolution

Sorceress = Inventory (640x480 Resolution)

Necromancer = Inventory (640x480 Resolution)

Paladin = Inventory (640x480 Resolution)

Barbarian = Inventory (640x480 Resolution)

Monster = Vendor's Buy/Sell Dialog (640x480 Resolution)

Trade Page 1 = Upper Multi-Player Trade Window (640x480 Resolution)

Trade Page 2 = Lower Multi-Player Trade Window (640x480 Resolution)

Bank Page 1 = Stash (640x480 Resolution); Classic Diablo II

Transmogrify Box Page 1 = Horadric Cube (640x480 Resolution)

Guild Vault Page 1 = Unused Guild Vault (640x480 Resolution)

Trophy Case Page 1 = Unused Trophy Case (640x480 Resolution)

Expansion = Expansion (duh!)

Big Bank Page 1 = Stash (640x480 Resolution); Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Hireling = Hireling Dialog (640x480 Resolution)

Druid = Inventory (640x480 Resolution)

Assassin = Inventory (640x480 Resolution)

Amazon2 = Inventory (800x600 Resolution)

Sorceress2 = Inventory (800x600 Resolution)

Necromancer2 = Inventory (800x600 Resolution)

Paladin2 = Inventory (800x600 Resolution)

Barbarian2 = Inventory (800x600 Resolution)

Monster2 = Vendor Buy/Sell Dialog (800x600 Resolution)

Trade Page 1-2 = Upper Multi-Player Trade Window (800x600 Resolution)

Trade Page 2-2 = Lower Multi-Player Trade Window (800x600 Resolution)

Bank Page2 = Stash (800x600 Resolution); Classic Diablo II

Transmogrify Box2 = Horadric Cube (800x600 Resolution)

Guild Vault Page2 = Unused Guild Vault (800x600 Resolution)

Trophy Case Page2 = Unused Trophy Case (800x600 Resolution)

Big Bank Page2 = Stash (800x600 Resolution); Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Hireling2 = Hireling Dialog (800x600 Resolution)

Druid2 = Inventory (800x600 Resolution)

Assassin2 = Inventory (800x600 Resolution)






Class = Inventory Pages to deal with (Reference Only)

InvLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the left side's
graphic alignment on the screen (Reference Only)

InvRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the right side's
graphic alignment on the screen (Reference Only)

InvTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the top side's
graphic alignment on the screen (Reference Only)

InvBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the bottom side's
graphic alignment on the screen (Reference Only)

Inventory Setups:


GridRows = Number of boxes in each row.

GridCols = Number of boxes in each column.

GridLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Inventory's
Left Grid.

GridRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Inventory's
Right Grid.

GridTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Inventory's
Top Grid.

GridBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Inventory's
Bottom Grid.

GridBoxWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for each boxes; default is 29x29 so,
the value is always 29

GridBoxHeight = height dimension (in pixels) for each boxes; default is 29x29
so, the value is always 29

Item Slots:


rArmLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Right Arm's
Left grid; Right Weapon/Shield Slot

rArmRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Right Arm's
Right grid; Right Weapon/Shield Slot

rArmTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Right Arm's Top
grid; Right Weapon/Shield Slot

rArmBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Right Arm's
Bottom grid; Right Weapon/Shield Slot

rArmWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for Right Weapon/Shield Slot

rArmHeight = Height dimension (in pixels) for Right Weapon/Shield Slot

TorsoLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Torso's Left
grid; Armor Slot

TorsoRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Torso's
Right grid; Armor Slot

TorsoTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Torso's Top
grid; Armor Slot

TorsoBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Torso's
Bottom grid; Armor Slot

TorsoWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for Armor's Slot

TorsoHeight = Height dimension (in pixels) for Armor's Slot

lArmLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Left Arm's
Left grid; Left Weapon/Shield Slot

lArmRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Left Arm's
Right grid; Left Weapon/Shield Slot

lArmTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Left Arm's Top
grid; Left Weapon/Shield Slot

lArmBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Left Arm's
Bottom grid; Left Weapon/Shield Slot

lArmWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for Left Weapon/Shield Slot

lArmHeight = Height dimension (in pixels) for Left Weapon/Shield Slot

HeadLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Head's Left
grid; Helm Slot

HeadRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Head's Right
grid; Helm Slot

HeadTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Head's Top grid;
Helm Slot

HeadBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Head's Bottom
grid; Helm Slot

HeadWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for Helm's Slot

HeadHeight = Height dimension (in pixels) for Helm's Slot

NeckLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Neck's Left
grid; Amulet Slot

NeckRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Neck's Right
grid; Amulet Slot

NeckTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Neck's Top grid;
Amulet Slot

NeckBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Neck's Bottom
grid; Amulet Slot

NeckWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for Amulet's Slot

NeckHeight = Height dimension (in pixels) for Amulet's Slot

rHandLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Right Hand's
Left grid; Right Ring Slot

rHandRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Right
Hand's Right grid; Right Ring Slot

rHandTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Right Hand's
Top grid; Right Ring Slot

rHandBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Right Hand's
Bottom grid; Right Ring Slot

rHandWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for Right Ring's Slot

rHandHeight = Height dimension (in pixels) for Right Ring's Slot

lHandLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Left Hand's
Left grid; Left Ring Slot

lHandRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Left Hand's
Right grid; Left Ring Slot

lHandTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Left Hand's Top
grid; Left Right Slot

lHandBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Left Hand's
Bottom grid; Left Ring Slot

lHandWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for Left Ring's Slot

lHandHeight = Height dimension (in pixels) for Left Ring's Slot

BeltLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Belt's Left
grid; Belt Slot

BeltRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Belt's Right
grid; Belt Slot

BeltTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Belt's Top grid;
Belt Slot

BeltBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Belt's Bottom
grid; Belt Slot

BeltWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for Belt's Slot

BeltHeight = Height dimension (in pixels) for Belt's Slot

FeetLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Feet's Left
grid; Boots Slot

FeetRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Feet's Right
grid; Boots Slot

FeetTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Feet's Top grid;
Boots Slot

FeetBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Feet's Bottom
grid; Boots Slot

FeetWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for Boot's Slot

FeetHeight = Height dimension (in pixels) for Boot's Slot

GlovesLeft = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Glove's
Left grid; Gloves Slot

GlovesRight = Horizontal Coordinate or x - coordinate location of the Glove's
Right grid; Gloves Slot

GlovesTop = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Glove's Top
grid; Gloves Slot

GlovesBottom = Vertical Coordinate or y - coordinate location of the Glove's
Bottom grid; Gloves Slot

GlovesWidth = Width dimension (in pixels) for Glove's Slot

GlovesHeight = Height dimension (in pixels) for Glove's Slot


Column Information




Hint: From the word itself...

Inventory Setups:


The Inventory setup columns consists of pixel dimensions and grid locations

where we can trace the exact locations of all inventories. In unmodded LoD
Inventory.txt, the setup was only 10x4 for character Inventories that's why we
have the values 10 and 4 in GridRows and GridCols columns respectively. In
GridBoxWidth and GridBoxHeight, we have a value of 29 for both because that is
the default smallest item that we can put in our inventory right? But take a
look at GridTop and GridBottom for an Amazon2 Row. I assume that we are
currently in 800x600 resolution so we have:


Class GridRows GridCols GridLeft GridRight GridTop GridBottom GridBoxWidth GridBoxHeight
Amazon2 10 4 419 706 315
29 29

If you can imagine it, The
GridTop is the distance from the uppermost. The GridTop location can ranged
from 0 to 600 and can be shown in the graphical representation below.




|315 -------------


|            |

|            |

|      inventory

|            |

|            |

|428 -------------






    Take a look at GridTop and GridBottom that ranges from 315
to 428 for our 10x4 inventory setup. If we were to subtract them (428-315), we
will get 113. We have 4 rows in our inventory so, 113/4 = 28.25 (Height
dimension of each box in pixels). It is supposed to be 29 right? Yes but we can
manipulate this thing based on your desired setup. And besides we will make a
graphics for it and thus, allowances like 0.75 pixels on each box for graphic
lines will result in a realistic appearance once we're already through with
invchar6.dc6. If you want to add 1 row up, then subtract 29 from 315 to get 286
for GridTop and put 5 for GridCols and so on.

The GridLeft and GridRight works the same, however the coordinates will
represent as this one:


706          800


|  <----inventory-------> 

    Yes, it starts in 400 because the other half is for CharStats
Screen, TradeStash, Transmogrify etc. I know you can imagine it so I better not
continue on mentioning them all. If you were to subtract 419 from 706 (706-419),
you'll get 287. In this case, divide it by 10 (287/10) because of 10x4 setup,
you'll get 28.7 (Width dimension of each box in pixels). Again, 0.3 pixels
doesn't matter that much as long as it fits for your converted Invchar6.dc6.

Item Slots:


If you properly understand the setups and x/y coordinates that I've mentioned
above then, it is now easy for you to change or relocate the item slots based on
your own or dreamed inventory setup.

Happy Modding!

Special Credits:


Zhoulomcrist, Phalzyr, Fusman and Paul

For more info about
Increasing the Inventory/Stash and Cube Size, Please read the tutorial made by


Link to this article: Select all

[url=]Knowledge Base - Inventory.txt File Guide[/url]